Writing the right proposal is more important nowadays because of the ​intense​ ​competition on Upwork.

No matter what your JSS, history, feedbacks & profile is, your proposal is your great chance to turn the ​whole game​ in your ​favor​. In the same way, if you don’t know how to write it to win the game, then it can be the ​biggest turn off​ for the clients.

‘95 out of 100 proposals are just trash’

Considering this fact, try to write a proposal that can keep you in the rest of the 5% outstanding proposal writers​. Make your proposal stand out from the crowd by using these 5 proven tips.

If you have a question, what to write on Upwork, then these tips will give you the answer.


According to some researches, hearing your name bursts excitement & makes people happy, and sends a ​signal of trust.
Putting the client’s name at the start of your proposal grabs the attention, the trust of the client to read the whole proposal throughout. But the question is from where the hell you can get the client’s name?

There are 3 ways that you can get the name of the client.

  •  From the ​sign​ at the job description: Many clients write their name at the end or start of the job description at the sign. You can read the whole JD and get the name from the sign.
  •  From the ​research: ​Sometimes clients don’t include their name in the JD as a sign. But in some cases, they add their existing website, company name, or any other details that give you a chance to research them. Use those details and try to find out their name from google OR any other social media platforms to use in your proposals.
  • .From the feedbacks: While you are reading a particular job description and you find the client has a good history, try to read the feedback from their past service providers. Many times people includes clients name while writing feedback to them. Here is an example.

2. Kick the ‘I’ out from your proposal

  • I liked your job
  • I want to work on your project
  • I need this project –
  • I have X years of experience –
  • I have a dog that can bark

Whenever I see excessive use of ‘I’ in the proposal, it makes me feel like I am in a restaurant, and instead of suggesting food of my preferences, the waiter is telling me what he likes to eat, what he ate yesterday, etc. I am not interested to hear that man.

People like to hear about their selves, not about you.

Instead of talking about you, try to talk about the client’s project, goals, and business. They like it a lot.

Instead of writing what you are and what you hold, tell them how you can add value to the client’s life.

QUICK TIP: Search ‘I’ once you write the cover letter. Try to replace those ‘I’ with ‘YOU’.

3. Don’t say, just show

In a time of strong competition, try to be different by writing a proposal that can save the client’s time and resources.

In the process of doing it, try to show the possible suggestions, similar examples, and only needed information in the proposal.

The majority of freelancers are wasting their and their client’s time by writing so much information in the cover letter. What they do is writing that they have a good experience, they can help clients, etc, etc.

But they don’t mention ‘HOW?’

I suggest, instead of saying the information, try to share the information right away. Try to add some similar projects, some suggestions to make them understand that you care about them.

Learn to write suggestions and questions even from one-liner jobs. Join my course and learn to write the right information for the job. https://sandeepsisodiya.com/course/

4. CONNECT with them

Write a proposal that makes your clients feel connected to you. They should feel that you are one of them.

Your client should feel that you are from a similar ground.

Try to sell emotions, not logic.

No matter if it’s emotionally, geographically, religiously, or any other connection, THEY SHOULD FEEL CONNECTION. That’s it.

Try mirroring of words, or any other technique to highlight your similar ground and get the drastic growth in Upwork project winning.

5. END it with BANG

Just like all other things, the end is the most essential part of your Upwork proposal.

You need to end it by putting simple questions & CTA to make them respond to you right away with ease.

To increase the chances of winning a client, I always try to get the client on a call as the next step of writing a magnetic cover letter.

I always try to end a proposal with these 2 things, that drives them to get on the call easily.

  •  Simple question: End your cover letter with a simple question like, What is a good time to have a quick call? Can we jump on a quick call today? Etc.
  • CTA: To save further time, include CTA that can easily redirect clients to book a call. You can use the Calendly or any other meeting schedular link.

Here are some quick responses to the Upwork FAQs.

1. How to become an expert freelancer on Upwork?

Try to optimize profile, choose the right jobs, write attractive proposals, respond on time, get the first job, provide quality work, get feedback and enhance the process.

2. How to fill Upwork profile?
– Put authenticated & right information only, use SEO friendly keywords, presentations matters, don’t make it lengthy, provide as much as possible but point to point information.

3. How to win the first job on Upwork? –

Try to get small projects first, and fresh clients for the new profile always works on Upwork.

4. How to win jobs on Upwork? – Try to add value to the client’s life and project, always guide clients to reach their goals, provide only important information on the initial, ensure quality work, show similar past jobs.

5. How to register on Upwork?

https://www.upwork.com/signup/?dest=home by using this link, you can fill in all the necessary information and register to the Upwork.

6. How to write a proposal on Upwork?

Check my blog on 4 Mistakes people make on Upwork. I have also mentioned what to do instead, to write a magnetic proposal on Upwork.

What do you think about these quick tips to write a magnetic cover letter? Do you have anything to ask OR add to it? What do you think about how Upwork works?

Join my next training batch to get the complete Upwork code to boost your client winning skills.

Register link to my next IT Sales & business development training batch. Link. ​https://sandeepsisodiya.com/course/

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